In Museum Metamorphosis, over forty cultural innovators and changemakers in contemporary art share strategies for building sociocultural relevancy and responsiveness in museums. Representing diverse perspectives from across the entire arts and culture ecosystem, the book offers tools to reshape museums into collaborative platforms for collective impact and social change.

Part One features seven roundtables in which practitioners discuss best practices for dismantling barriers to entry and building reciprocal, sustained engagement with diverse constituencies. Part Two documents four case studies in structured collaboration, prompting museums to invest in both hyperlocal relationships and cross-sector partnerships. And Part Three features four interviews with thought leaders who discuss how to shift equity from a measure of compliance to a vital daily practice of organizational accountability and sustainability.

Compiled during a moment of heightened social action, cultural transformation, and institutional critique, Museum Metamorphosis considers and responds to the following prompts: how will museums learn to embrace real-time change and adapt to meet the evolving needs of a rapidly shifting sociopolitical landscape? How can this metamorphosis open new pathways for engagement and encourage museums to meet more audiences where they are? And, how might reconstituting the essential DNA of the museum recalibrate the power dynamics between communities and institutions, producing a sustainable model for engaged cultural citizenship?

In addressing these questions, Museum Metamorphosis looks to innovation transpiring beyond the museum echo chamber and lays bare both the opportunities and challenges of adopting new ways of working. It dares readers to identify their respective position within the social change ecosystem, and empowers them with tools to reorient their work towards cultural equity and social justice.


Jordan Casteel, Shaun Leonardo, Miguel Luciano, Lina Puerta, Deborah Berke, Mario Gooden, Maitland Jones, Eric Guy Booker, Maren Hassinger, Kendal Henry, Diya Vij, Jamaica Gilmer, Kemi Ilesanmi, Shani Peters, Chayanne Marcano, David Rue, Lauren Argentina Zelaya, Ryan N. Dennis, Vashti DuBois, Lauren Kelley, Jasmine Wahi, Shawnda Chapman, Ruby Lerner, Melissa Cowley Wolf, Elia Alba, Tina M. Campt, Connie H. Choi, Leslie Hewitt, Shanta Lawson, Dr. Dawn Brooks DeCosta, Kyle Williams, Nisa Mackie, Alexandra Nicome, Victoria Sung, Juliana Rowen Barton, Michelle Millar Fisher, Zoë Greggs, Gabriella Nelson, Amber Winick, Nicole Ivy, Ariana A. Curtis, PhD, DéLana R.A. Dameron and Sandra Jackson-Dumont